Incident Workflow – Incident Details Object

To create an Incident follows the steps below.

Note: All Incident Workflows are completely customised to your organisation's requirements; therefore this User Guide will detail steps from a general view.

  • STEP 1: Navigate to Incident Register via Menu > Workspace > Incident Register, and click on the New button at the top-right corner, or click on the + add new icon and select Incident/Event (whichever name that has been given by your organisation) in the left-hand navigation panel.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 2: Record all required information in the 'Details' tab (the displayed tab name of the initial tab to enter details is configurable for your organisation). Fields available will depend on the fields configured by your system administrator.

    • The various tabs/objects that will be displayed at the top of the page, will be configured via the Menu > Framework > Settings > Object Configuration page.

    • The fields to be setup within an incident object, will be configured via the Menu > Framework > Settings > Object Configuration page within a particular object.

    • The displayed labels of the objects and its fields can be edited as per your organisation's requirements via the Menu > Framework > Settings > Object Configuration page.

    • A group section header can be configured for different incident object tabs (except for Actions, Linkage, Document objects), which can be collapsed or expanded. By default group sections will be expanded.

Figure 1.2

Note: The below Incident Details page includes sample data and does not represent any client.

Note: If the setting 'Disable draft functionality in Incident Details' is ticked under Incident Settings > Miscellaneous Settings, the Documents and Actions buttons in the initial Incident creation page, will be disabled until it is saved at least once, with mandatory details filled in.

The following standard fields will be available by default.





Incident Code

A unique ID to identify the incident. This will be auto-generated and non-editable or auto-generated and editable according to configurations done by your system administrator.

Incident Title

Give a description regarding the Incident.

Reported Date/Time

Provide a Date and Time on the Incident occurrence.

Activities Requested/Initiated By

Who has requested the Incident.

Affected Parties

Specify any staff or external parties affected by the incident.


The exact location which the Incident had occurred can be selected from a list of locations recorded by your system administrator.

Incident Type

Select a type for the incident from the list. The types will be recorded by your system administrator. Selection of incident type will determine the workflow of the incident.

Responsible Officer

Assign a staff member as the responsible officer for the incident.  The responsible officer can view the Incident in the My quick update page.

Please note that this is not yet linked to the cammsrisk quick update area.


Describes the Priority of the Incident. Priorities can be defined by your system administrator.


Describes the Severity of the Incident. Severities can be defined by your system administrator.

Investigation Required

You can define if an Investigation is required or not. Ticking this will enable the investigation phase for the incident given that investigation phase is included in the selected workflow.


Select a Sector from the list. All sectors will be available for selection. This will determine the sector that the incident is linked to and will be referred  to user roles and filtrations.


Select a Company from the list. All Companies will be available for selection. This would determine the Company that the incident is linked to and would be referred to user roles and filtrations.

  • STEP 3: Click on the Save button at the top-right corner of the page.

A notification will be sent to selected set of users, if this has been configured for the users, once an incident has been logged. The notification template can be defined under Menu > Administration > Email Templates by your system administrator. The receivers are required to be defined within the notification area.

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