Camms.Project MQU – My Project Tasks

Camms.Project MQU – My Project Tasks

This article contains:

1. Grid View

Under the My Project Tasks widget in the ‘Quick Update' page, click on the Grid option in the toggle button in order to view tasks you are responsible for.

Figure 1.1

By default, this section will display tasks:

  • Which are linked to Open projects.

  • For which you are the primary or secondary responsible officer.

  • For which you have view permission to Task Planning object of the respective project.

The tasks will be first grouped by the project which they are linked to and then by its parent task (if applicable), and ordered by the project code. 

Figure 1.2

If the task is a 'milestone', the milestone icon will be shown before the task name.

Figure 1.3

The following fields are shown in the grid of the My Tasks page.

1. Project Tasks

Displays the task title. Title is hyperlinked by default. Clicking on the title will navigate you to the current schedule screen for the project in a new window.

2. % Complete

Displays the % complete slider bar and the % complete numeric figure.

You can adjust the project percent complete using the slider and the % complete figure will change accordingly. You will be shown the % value when dragging the slider. 

Further, you can enter the % complete value and the slider bar will automatically change to represent that numeric value.

‘Status’ dropdown will change according to the % complete value as given below.

  • If ‘% Complete’ is ‘0’, then ‘Status’ is ‘Not Started’.

  • If '% Complete' is ‘100’, then 'Status' is ‘Completed’.

  • If the ‘0 <% Complete <100’, then ‘Status’ is ‘In Progress’.

3. Status

A dropdown with a list of task statuses.

Based on the status value, ‘% Complete’ will automatically change as given below.

  • If 'Status' is ‘Not Started’, then ‘% Complete’ is ‘0’.

  • If ‘Status’ is ‘Completed’, then ‘% Complete’ is ‘100’.

  • If the 'Status' is ‘Ongoing’, then '% Complete' is blank.

  • If the ‘Status’ is ‘In Progress’, then ‘% Complete’ will be editable and the value should be ‘0 <value <100’.

  • If the status is  ‘Deferred’, then '% Complete' will be editable.

4. Target – Displays the target set for the task. Non-editable.

5. Start Date – Displays the start date set for the task. Non-editable.

6. End Date – Displays the end date set for the task. Non-editable.

7. Progress Comment – Progress comment for the task. Editable.

8. More Details – Clicking the More Details button will open a popup window, which will open the below three functions in tabs:

  • Task Planning tab – The ‘Task Planning' tab will open the current Gantt chart of the project which the task is linked to. The same functionalities provided in the Task Planning object will be available based on your user permissions.

    Figure 1.4
  • Attachments tab – The ‘Attachments' tab will let you add a File, URL link, Content Manager link, or an External Drive link.

  • Email tab – TheEmail' tab enables you to send an email based on the task update. This tab will let you send the email to a staff member within the organisation or to a separate email address.

    Figure 1.5
  • Discussion tab – The ‘Chat' tab will open the chat messaging panel for the task in a pop-up.

    Figure 1.6

2. Kanban View

Click the Kanban option in the toggle button under the ‘My Project Tasks' widget, to navigate to the Kanban Board.

Figure 2.1
  • Lists/Columns in the Kanban board represent the status of a task (i.e., Not Started, In Progress, Completed, Deferred, and Ongoing).

  • Cards represent the tasks in the Gantt.

Note: Only child tasks/milestones and standalone tasks/milestones in the Gantt will have a card in the Kanban board. 

  • Tasks are first grouped by the project and then by the parent/summary tasks which they are linked to.

  • Each card displays the following information on the task:

    • Title.

    • Progress bar – Will display % complete of the task, and the colour of the slider bar will represent the performance of the task.

    • Timeframe (start and end dates).

    • Responsible person.

    • No. of attachments.

  • Updating the progress of tasks: 

    • You can update task progress by dragging the progress bar on the card. The system will automatically save your progress updates.

    • You can further update the status of the task by moving the card across the columns. This can easily be done by clicking a card, dragging and dropping it on to the required column in the Kanban board.

  • Deleting tasks: 

    • Tasks can be deleted by clicking on the delete icon on the card.

  • Show More Details: 

    • Click on the show details icon on the card to view/update more details of the task.

    • The Show Details pop-up will show all fields activated in the Task Planning object except for:

      • ID

      • Predecessors 

      • History

      • Attachments

      • Responsible person

      • Reference tasks

      • Custom calculated fields

    • You will be able to update the timeframe (Start and End Dates) and duration of tasks which have no dependencies (i.e. standalone/independent tasks) from the Show Details pop-up. The Timeframe and Duration fields will be non-editable for predecessors and successors.  

    • Once the updates are made, click on the Save button in the Show Details pop-up to save the updates. Upon saving, the updates will reflect on the Gantt.

  • Filters in the Kanban Board: 

  • The following filters are available in your Kanban Board for filtering tasks:

    • Project Name.

    • Task Name.

    • Task Start Date and End Date. 

    • Task Status – By default, the Kanban Board in Quick Update will not show tasks which are in ‘Completed’ and ‘Deferred’ stages. If you wish to see completed and deferred tasks in your Kanban Board, select Completed and Deferred options within the ‘Show Task Status’ dropdown in the search panel and click on Filter button.

    • Task Performance Status (On Track, Off Track and Monitor).

Figure 2.2

3. Tasks Filters

The following filters are available for My Project Tasks.

Figure 3.1
  • Task Name – Allows you to perform a search on tasks which are of your responsibility.

  • Project Name – Perform a search on all projects in the system and display any tasks that you are responsible for which belong to those projects.

  • Project Code – Perform a search on all project codes in the system and it will display any tasks that you are responsible for which belong to those projects.

  • Task Status – A dropdown list of all possible statuses for a task (i.e. not started, in progress, etc.). Selecting a status will display all tasks in the selected task status. Defaults to 'Show all'.

  • Performance Status – A dropdown list of performance statuses available for a task (i.e. On Track, Monitor, Off Track). Selecting a performance status will display all tasks with the selected performance status. Defaults to ‘Show all’.

  • Project Status – A drop-down listing ‘Open’, ‘Close’ ‘Upcoming’ and ‘Show All’. This defaults to Open, thus showing only tasks from ‘Open’ projects.

  • From/To Dates – A date picker to filter tasks by the task start and end dates.

  • Hide Completed – Ticking this would exclude all completed tasks from the list.

  • Hide Deferred – Ticking this would exclude all deferred tasks from the list.

  • Save as Default – Ticking this will save the current search.

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