Project Hub – Approvals Tab

Project Hub – Approvals Tab

1. Overview

The Approvals tab of the Project Hub will be divided into three sections:

  • Sign Off Points

  • Sign Off Items

  • Change Requests

2. Sign Off Points

The ‘Sign Off Points’ section will display all the ‘pending approval’ phase/object sign offs for which you are the decision-making authority.

Figure 2.1

Inline Quick Update will display the below information for each sign off point.

  1. Phase – Phase name will be hyperlinked. Clicking this should navigate you to the relevant sign off.

    1. If it is a Phase Sign off – Displays the name of the phase which the sign off is required.

    2. If it is an Object sign off – Displays the phase in where the object is in the workflow.

  2. Objects – The object name will be non-editable.

    1. If it is a Phase Sign off – Displays the corresponding phase sign off object name.

    2. If it is an Object sign off – Displays the object name which the sign off is required.

  3. Submitted Date – Requested date and time. Non-editable.

  4. Submitted By – The name of the staff who submitted the phase/object for sign-off. Non-editable.

  5. Project Position – The project position of the staff member who submitted the phase/object for sign-off. Non-editable.

  6. Comment – Multi-line text box provided for you to enter a comment.

  7. Action – A dropdown list with options: ‘Approve’, ‘Not Approve' and 'Re-open’.

  8. Confirm icon – Clicking on this will confirm the action selected within ‘Action' dropdown. For example, if you select Approve from the 'action’ dropdown and clicks on the confirm icon, then the respective phase/object will get approved. Then the particular record will get removed from the grid.

All the steps that are carried out during a normal approval, reject or re-open process will get applied inside the project (e.g., phase/object gets disabled upon approved or reject, sign off email triggering).

2.1 Sign Off Report

Clicking the Report button will load the Project Master Report for the respective project in the SSRS previewer.

  • If it is a phase sign-off: Project Master Report will include only the phase for which the sign-off is required.

  • If it is an object sign-off: Project Master Report will include only the object for which the sign-off is required.

Figure 2.1.1

2.2 Project Master Report

3. Sign Off Items

The ‘Sign Off Points’ section will display all the ‘pending approval’ items such as Documents, etc. for which you are the decision-making authority.

Inline Quick Update will display the below information for each sign off point. 

  1. Phase – Phase name will be hyperlinked.

  2. Object – The object name will be non-editable.

  3. Sign Off Item – Sign Off Item name will be hyperlinked. 

    1. If the sign off item is a document, then the system will automatically download a copy of the uploaded document when you click on the name.

    2. If the sign off item is a URL, then the system will automatically open it in a new browser tab when you click on the name.

  4. Submitted Date – Requested date and time. Non-editable. 

  5. Submitted By – The name of the staff who submitted the item for sign-off. Non-editable. 

  6. Project Position – The project position of the staff member who submitted the phase/object for sign-off. Non-editable.

  7. Comment – Multi-line text box provided for you to enter a comment.

  8. Action – A dropdown list with options: ‘Approve', ‘Not Approve’ and 'Re-open’.

  9. Confirm Icon – Clicking on this will confirm the action selected within ‘Action' dropdown. For example, if you select Approve from the ‘Action’ dropdown and clicks on the confirm icon, then the respective item will get approved. Then the particular record will get removed from the grid. 

All the steps that are carried out during a normal approval, reject or re-open process will get applied inside the project (e.g., document gets disabled upon approved or reject, sign off email triggering).  

4. Change Requests

The ‘Change Request’ section will display all ‘pending approval’ change request sign offs which you are the decision-making authority.

Inline Quick Update will display below given information for each change request.

  • Phase – Displays the phase in which the sign off object is in the change request workflow. Phase name will be hyperlinked. Click on this to navigate to the relevant sign off. 

  • Objects – Displays the sign off object name. Non editable.

  • Submitted Date – Requested date and time. Non-editable.

  • Submitted By – The name of the staff who submitted the change request for sign-off. Non-editable.

  • Project Position – The project position of the staff who submitted the change request for sign-off. Non-editable.

  • Comment – Enter any comments.

  • Action – A dropdown list with options: ‘Approve’, ‘Not Approve’ and ‘Re-open’.

  • Confirm Icon – Clicking on this will confirm the action selected from the ‘Action’ dropdown. For example, if you select Approve from the ‘action’ dropdown and clicks on the confirm icon, then the respective change request will get approved.

All the steps that are carried out during a normal approval, rejection or re-opening process will get applied inside the project (e.g., sign off email triggering).

4.1 Change Request Report

Click on the report icon to open the Change Request Report for the respective change request in the SSRS previewer.

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