Project Hub – Incidents Tab

1. Incidents Tab

You can click on the Incidents tab highlighted in the image below to access all incidents associated with the selected project.

Figure 1.1

1.1 Linking an Incident to a Project

You can link existing incidents in the Incident module within Camms.Risk to the project by following the steps below.

  • STEP 1: Click on the Link Incidents dropdown list on the top of the Incidents grid. The ‘Link Incidents’ dropdown list will display all incidents in the Incident module except for incidents with status ‘Draft’ (i.e., users will only be able to link ‘Open’ and ‘Closed’).

Figure 1.1.1
  • STEP 2: Search for the incident(s) which you wish to link to the project by typing its code or name. Then, select the tick box adjacent to the incident(s).

Note: Incidents which are already linked to the project will not appear in ‘Link Incidents’ dropdown. 

  • STEP 3: After selecting the incidents, click on the Save button on top right-hand side of the screen. Upon clicking Save button, the incidents selected from the dropdown will be linked to the project and displayed in the grid.

1.2 Adding a new Incident and link it to the Project

In addition to linking existing incidents, you can create new incidents within the Incidents tab and link them to the project by following the steps below.

  • STEP 1: Click on the Add button in the toolbar. Upon clicking it, the system will load the incident creation page in Camms.Risk module in a new browser tab.

  • STEP 2: To create a new incident, you can add the required incident details on the incident creation page and click on the Save button on the top toolbar. 


Users will be able to select any staff as the responsible person for the incident. The responsible person for the Incident does not necessarily have to be in the project board and team.

The options shown in the Incident Type dropdown list is determined by your administrator.

  • STEP 3: Upon saving the new incident, it will automatically be linked to the Incident object of the selected project. However, to make it visible within the Incidents tab, you will have to click on Refresh button in the toolbar.  

1.3 Editing an existing Incident

You can edit an existing incident by clicking on the relevant Incident Title within ‘Incident’ tab. Clicking the Incident Title will open the respective incident within the Incident module in Camms.Risk in a new browser tab. You can edit incident details as required and click on the Save button.

1.4 Deleting an existing Incident linkage

You can delete an existing incident linkage by clicking on Delete button adjacent to the respective incident. 


  • Once an incident linkage is deleted from Camms.Project, that linkage will also get removed from the Incident module in Camms.Risk Incident.

  • Deleting an incident in the Incident object will only delete its linkage to the project. It will not delete the respective incident from the system.

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