Project Hub – Issues Tab

Project Hub – Issues Tab

1. Overview

Clicking on the Issues tab in the Project Hub will load all issues, their associated actions and project decisions linked to the selected project in separate tabs.

Figure 1.1

From the dropdown list on top, you can select the Issue Register object which you wish to view the issues/issue actions/decisions of.

Figure 1.2

2. Issues Tab

By default, the ‘Issues’ tab will display all issues in the current editable Issue Register object, if you have view permission to the corresponding Issue Register object.

  • The ‘Issues’ tab will only be visible if the ‘Project Issue Register’ section is activated in the object editor area of the respective Issue Register object.

  • If an issue register object is selected in ‘Select Object' dropdown (when 'Select Object’ dropdown is activated), the ‘Issues’ tab will display all issues available in the selected Issue Register object based on your view permission to the corresponding Issue Register object.

  • If you do not have view permission to the corresponding Issue Register object, then the message ‘No sufficient privileges granted to view details’ will be shown when navigated to Issues tab.

In order to edit issues, the edibility will be based on the edit permission to the Issue Register Object and you should be in the board and team of the corresponding project.

The Issues tab will display all fields where the visibility is set to true in ‘Project Issue Register’ section within the object editor area of the corresponding ‘Issue Register’ object. The fields will be enabled and made compulsory based on field configurations in the object editor area of Issue Register object.

Issues listed in the grid are ordered by the ‘Issue No.’

You will be able to edit the inline columns by clicking on the edit icon adjacent to the issue.

Figure 2.1

The edit icon will only be visible if you have Add/Edit permission to the corresponding Issue Register object.

The Date Resolved field will be enabled when the status of the issue (‘Project Issue Status’) is ‘Resolved’. Otherwise, it will be blank.

You will be able to delete an existing issue by clicking on the delete icon adjacent to the issue. The delete icon will only be visible if you have ‘Can Delete’ permission for the corresponding Issue Register object.

Figure 2.2

2.1 Adding a New Issue

In order to add a new issue, enter the details in the grid and click the add icon.

Figure 2.1.1

Once you click on the Add button, a new issue will be displayed in the issues grid against the respective issue register object in the Issues tab.

3. Issue Actions Tab

The ‘Actions’ tab will only be visible if the ‘Project Issue Action’ section is activated in the object editor area of the respective Issue Register object.

By default, the ‘Actions’ tab will display all issue actions in the current editable Issue Register object, if you have view permission for the corresponding Issue Register object.

  • If an issue register object is selected in the ‘Select Object’ dropdown (when ‘Select Object’ dropdown is activated), the ‘Actions’ tab will display all issue actions available in the selected Issue Register object based on your view permission to the corresponding Issue Register object.

  • If you do not have view permission for the corresponding Issue Register object, then the message ‘No sufficient privileges granted to view details’ will be shown when navigated to the ‘Actions’ tab.

3.1 Edit Issue Actions

The Issue Actions tab will display all fields where the visibility is set to true in the ‘Project Issue Actions’ section within the object editor area of the corresponding ‘Issue Register’ object. The fields will be enabled and made compulsory based on field configurations in the object editor area of Issue Register object.

You can edit existing issue actions by clicking on the Edit button adjacent to the relevant issue action.

Figure 3.1.1

You will be able to edit the inline columns by clicking on the Edit button adjacent to the issue action.

  • The Edit button will only be visible if you have Add/Edit permission for the corresponding Issue Register object.

  • The Date Resolved field will be enabled when the status of the issue action (‘Action Status’) is ‘Resolved’. Otherwise, it will be blank.

Clicking on the Create Task button will create a new task from the issue action in the Project Schedule. The issue action will be disabled once the task is created from the issue action.

You will be able to delete an existing issue action by clicking on the Delete button adjacent to the issue action. The Delete button will only be visible if you have ‘Can Delete’ permission for the corresponding Issue Register object.

Figure 3.1.2

You will be able to add a new issue action by clicking on the Add Issue Action button located at the footer of the Issue Actions grid. The Add Issue Action button will only be visible if you have ‘Can Add’ permission for the corresponding Issue Register object.

In order to add a New Action, fill the fields and click on the Add button located at the footer of the Actions grid. The fields will be enabled, and compulsory based on the field configurations in the object editor area of the Issue Register object.

Figure 3.1.3

Note: The ‘Issue No. and Title’ dropdown will display all the issues (issue no with the issue title) available in the corresponding Issue Register object. Selecting an issue from ‘Issue No. and Title’ dropdown will link the issue action to that issue.

4. Decisions Tab

The ‘Decisions’ tab will only be visible if ‘Project Issue Action Decision’ section is activated in the object editor area of the respective Issue Register object.

Figure 4.1

By default, the ‘Decisions’ tab will display all decisions in the current editable Issue Register object, if you have view permission for the corresponding Issue Register object.

  • If an issue register object is selected in the ‘Select Object’ dropdown (when the ‘Select Object’ dropdown is activated), the ‘Decisions’ tab will display all decisions available in the selected Issue Register object based on your view permission to the corresponding Issue Register object.

  • If you do not have view permission to the corresponding Issue Register object, then the message ‘No sufficient privileges granted to view details’ will be shown when you navigate to the ‘Decisions’ tab.

The Decisions tab will display all fields for which the visibility is set to true in the ‘Project Issue Action Decision’ section within the object editor area of the corresponding ‘Issue Register’ object. The fields will be enabled, and compulsory based on field configurations in the object editor area of the Issue Register object. 

Decisions are first grouped by the ‘Issue’, then by the ‘Issue Action’ which the decision is linked to.

Issues are ordered by the ‘Issue No’. Issue actions under a particular issue should be ordered by the ‘Action No’. Decisions under a particular issue action should be ordered by the ‘Decision No’.

4.1 Editing existing Decisions

You will be able to edit the inline columns by clicking on the edit icon adjacent to the decision (as shown in the image below). The edit icon will only be visible if you have Add/Edit permission to the corresponding Issue Register object.

Figure 4.1.1

The Date Resolved field will be enabled when the status of the decision (‘Decision Status’) is ‘Resolved’. Otherwise, it will be blank.

You will be able to delete an existing decision by clicking on the delete icon (shown in the image below) adjacent to the decision. The delete icon will only be visible if you have ‘Can Delete’ permission for the corresponding Issue Register object.

Figure 4.1.2

4.2 Adding a New Decision

You can enter relevant details and then click on the Add Decision button which is located at the footer of the Decisions grid. The fields will be enabled, and compulsory based on field configurations in the object editor area of the Issue Register object.  

Figure 4.2.1

Note: Issue No and Title dropdown: This dropdown will load a hierarchy which includes issues and issue actions depending on the linkages activated in object configuration area of the respective Issue Register object.

5. Filtering completed Issues, Actions and Decisions

You can hide completed/resolved issues, issue actions and decisions in the Issues tab of the Project Hub by using the toggle on the top tool bar.

Figure 5.1

The default is set so that completed issues, issue actions and decisions are hidden from the object by default.

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