Risk Registers – Group and Filter/Search Records

Risk Registers – Group and Filter/Search Records

All fields can be grouped, except for fields which contain images (e.g. risk action summary, risk appetite).

  • To group, drag and drop  field column headers into the header section.

  • To ungroup, click the Field Grouped by in the header section, and drag it out.

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2

Sorting by Monte-Carlo Projection Values

When a register is grouped by Monte-Carlo projection values (P10, P50, and P90), the default sort order will be in descending order. Risk records will be displayed starting with the highest cost impact.

Note: To view Monte-Carlo project values in the registers as columns, this needs to be configured under Camms.Risk > Framework > Risk Settings > Monte-Carlo > [enable visibility of the projection type fields].

Dragging and dropping a projection type column header to the top of the table, above the column headers, will sort the risk records in a descending order of projection value, of the grouped projection type. 

  • More than one projection type can be dragged and dropped to sort risk records.

  • If the risk register is grouped by multiple projection types, the descending sort order will apply only to the parent projection type.

Note: The descending sort order applies per risk register page.

In order to filter and search for risk records, click on the Filter button at the top of the window. 

These filters below will apply for all risk registers.

You can add more filters if needed via Menu > Framework > Risk Settings > Register Configuration > [Register Type dropdown].

You can select to show only active or only inactive risks by ticking/unticking the Active, Inactive tick boxes. Only active risks are displayed by default.

You can sort records by Risk code, Risk Title and Responsible Person in any order you require. Simultaneously, you can specify the alphabetical order as A-Z or Z-A.

Specify the number of records you want to see in one page by selecting a number from 'Number of risks per page' dropdown.

Enter the filter criteria and click the Filter button to filter Risk Control details. Click the Clear button to clear any entered filter criteria.

Ticking the Save as Default checkbox option at the bottom of the filter window, will save the current filter criteria as the default criteria for the logged in user.

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