Risk Settings – Register Configuration

Risk Settings – Register Configuration

This settings page lets you customise and configure fields displayed in the different registers. Change label names of fields, visibility of fields, searchability in register filters, and sequence displayed in the register. 

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 1: To add a new custom Risk Register, click the Add New button.

  • STEP 2: Fill in a Name, Description, Risk Types and Sequence.

  • STEP 3: Click Add to save details.

Select which register type you wish to configure from this Register Type dropdown at the top. A list of selected standard and custom fields are available under each risk type. The below properties can be set for each column or filter in these registers.

Setting Name


Setting Name


Field Name

Shows the name of the field which you can enable to show in your registers as a column and/or filter.

Note: The 'RiskCategory' field will include all entries from both 'Primary Risk Category' and 'Sub Categories and Secondary Categories' fields in the register filter if configured to be searchable, and will display the primary category in the register if configured to be visible.

Label Reference

Enable the field name to be changed to a preferred label.


Determines the visibility of the field as a column in the register.


Determines the visibility of the field as a filter in the register.

Note: The field 'Responsibility Centre' is not configurable as a search filter in the registers.


Determines the order in which the columns appear in the register, lowest to highest going from left to right.


Determines the width of each column in the register.

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