Administration | Email Notifications

Administration | Email Notifications

Email notifications allow administrators to configure automated mails which will be sent to users whenever a predefined instance occurs. E.g. Administrators could configure automated mails to be sent to users when the setup phase of their assessment is completed.

The Email Notifications page displays a list of all emails that have been setup currently and allows the Administrator to create and modify email templates.

To create an email, follows the steps below:

  • STEP 1: Go to Administration > Email Notifications.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 2: Click Add to create a new email template.

Figure 1.2
  • STEP 3:  Enter the requisite information as described below to create a new email.


Description / Instructions

Mandatory / Optional


Text field to enter any valid Carbon Copy email address



Text field to enter the email subject



Drop down list of emails types – screen may refresh to display the appropriate input fields as per the type selected here.

Not Applicable; defaults to Common


Body of the email message


Template variables

Variables that can be inserted into the templates – all variables are not available for all template types:

  • Staff Name (displays name)

  • Position (display's staff member's position)

  • Assessee (displays name)

  • Reporting Officer (displays name)

  • Application message (displays the standard message for the relevant email type)


Effective From

Date picker (Calender Control) which specifies the date which the Email Template becomes valid.

Some templates may have the following fields, instead of the ‘Effectiveness From’ field: 

  • Send [ ] days prior to the due date, only if it’s in the self-assessment phase 

  •  Continue to remind every  [ ] days after the due date 

  •  Continue to send every [ ] days 

Note: The date set for the ‘Effective From’ field must be a date after the day you are setting this up. If you put in the same date on which you are setting it up (i.e. today's date), then the e-mails will not be sent out until the next day.


Send [ ] days prior to the due date, only if it’s in the self-assessment phase

The email will be sent before the no. of days specified here.

For example, if the due date is 29th November and you specify 5 days here, the email will be sent on 24th of November.



Continue to remind every  [ ] days after the due date

The reminder email will be recurring for the specified number of days after the due date.

For example, if the due date is 29th November and you specify 2 days here, the email will be sent every 2 days after the due date.



Continue to send every [ ] days

The email will be recurring for the specified number of days.

For example, if you specify 25 days here, the email will be sent every 25 days.




This check box allows reusing of email templates which have become inactive. Such mail templates can be made active by ticking the check box.

Not Applicable, defaults to Active

  • STEP 4:  Click Save button to save the email template or click Close to go back to the email notifications page without saving the template.

There are two broad categories of templates as follows: 

Category 1 – Sent only once

Category 2 – Sent multiple times

Category 1 – Sent only once

Category 2 – Sent multiple times

These email types allow the selection of a specific date via a calendar control. Following email types fall under this category:

  • Common emails

  • Setup Finished emails

  • Endorsement Finished emails

  • Self Assessment emails (except for 'Self-Assessment Reminder')

  • Appraisal

  • 360 Evaluation


  • Emails belonging to this category go to a specific recipient only one time and it does not repeatedly send emails to the recipient. If the Administrator specifies a new template of the same type for a future date, the recipients will receive the email again as a one time. 

  • Self-assessment reminder on the other hand, will be triggered only once to the specific recipients but will not reoccur even when the Administrator specifies a new template of the same type for a future date.

These email types provide a textbox in which administrators can specify a frequency. Following email types fall under this category:

  • Alert emails

  • Due date emails

Note: Emails belonging to this category go to a specific recipient multiple times as long as the relevant conditions continue to be satisfied. For example, the Alert email type sends continuous reminders to the recipient until the specified frequency has been exhausted.

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