User Profile and Logout

User Profile and Logout

This section provides guidance for users on viewing and editing their user profile, as well as the process of logging out.
The User Profile can be accessed through the profile image in Learner Profile Information area on the Dashboard or by clicking on the profile image located on the Header Navigation Panel.
The following are the areas addressed in this section,

Table of Contents

Editing and updating user profile information

This section provides a comprehensive guide on editing and updating user profile information.

Profile Page

The following area detail each section within the User Profile page along with the functionality of each section:

  • Profile Photo - Allows you to upload, change, or remove a profile photo from the platform. The image must be less than 1MB in size.

  • Personal Details - Allows you to view and edit personal details such as First Name and Last Name

  • Contact Details - Allows you to view and edit contact details such as Company Email, Company Phone Number and Country.

  • Employment Details - Allows you to view Employment information such as Job Title, Company Name, and Industry. This information cannot be edited. Contact Platform Administrator for support if you wish to edit these details.

  • Change Password- Allows you to update your profile password. Please make sure to adhere to the password policy when changing your password. The password must contain a minimum of 8 characters, including at least one uppercase letter, one lowercase letter, one number, and one special character. (Allowed special characters: ~`!@#$%^&*()-_+={}[]|\\;:\"'<>,./?)


This section highlights the steps to logout from the platform.




Step 1 

Click on the profile image located at the header navigation panel.

Step 2

Click on the [Logout] button to enter the landing page.

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