Edit an Existing Dashboard

Edit an Existing Dashboard

  • If you want to edit an existing dashboard structure, you can click on the Edit button from the ‘Dashboards List’ view and you will be presented with a pop-up window similar to ‘Create Dashboard’ function. However, when editing, you cannot change the base hierarchy of the existing dashboard structure. All the other fields are editable. 

Figure 1.1
Figure 1.2

 Note: Once everything is entered, you can click Save and your changes will show on the dashboard. 

Note: If you want to delete an existing dashboard structure, you can click on the Delete button placed at the right side of the grid. (User would only be able to delete the under-construction dashboards) A success warning will appear once a dashboard is deleted successfully. The user clicks on the delete button and if the user clicks on 'Yes', then success message will be displayed.

Figure 1.3

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