Administration | Management | Configure Terminologies

Administration | Management | Configure Terminologies

This section allows the administrators to change the terminologies and Rating legends used in the Dashboard in cammstalent to match the terminologies used within your organisation.

  1. To change terminologies, follows the steps below:

  • STEP 1: Go to Administration > Management > Configure Terminologies.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 2: Click the Edit button of the terminology you want to change and specify the new terminology under the Display Name column.

  • STEP 3: Click the Update button to save changes or Click Cancel to keep the terminology as it is.

Figure 1.2

2. To change the rating legends in the dashboard, follows the steps below:

  • STEP 1: In the Configure Terminologies page, go to the Rating Legends tab by clicking on the 'Rating Legend' text located below the page header.

Figure 1.3
  • STEP 2: Click the Edit button of the legend you want to change and enter the below described information.


Description / Instructions

Mandatory / Optional


Description / Instructions

Mandatory / Optional


Rating Terminology for the given value/score. The rating value/score is shown in the Value column.



Brief Description for the rating.



Rating legend colour which will be shown in the dashboard. Click on the colour box to open the colour picker, select your preferred colour and then click Ok to add the color.


  • STEP 3: Click Update to update the rating terminologies or click Cancel to leave the terminologies unchanged.

Figure 1.4

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