Risk Settings – Risk Review Commentary

This settings page lets configure risk review comments for risk types. For Operational and Corporate risk types, configure the risk comment fields, displayed within the Risk Review tab. Strategic and Project risk type Risk Review fields can be configured via the Field Configuration settings page.

Four fields are available:

  1. Risk Owner comments (default editable)

  2. Previous 6 months highlights (default not visible)

  3. Management comments (default not visible)

  4. Next 6 months planned activities (default not visible)

Figure 1.1
  • To edit, click on the Edit button. From here you can change the Risk Review rules to be Editable, Not Visible and Read only.

  • When configuration is set to ‘Editable’ or ‘Read Only’, fields will be appear in Risk Review screen, My Quick Update and the Risk tab in EIS.

  • The position will determine the order in which the comment fields will appear in the Risk Review screen. 

Figure 1.2

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