Risk Settings – Custom Lists

1. Custom Lists

This settings page lets you define a set of custom dropdown lists here if your organisation requires additional fields to be displayed in risk assessment pages. Once defined, rename and enable it via the Field Configuration settings area.

In order to define a customised dropdown list:

  • STEP 1: Click the Custom Lists tab.

This will take you to a screen which will show a list of Custom Lists.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 2: Choose the specific Custom List which you want to customise, based on the field setup within Field Configuration.

A list will appear enabling you to add/amend the List item and Sequence. Update the information according to the way you wish to customise the list.

  • STEP 3: The customised lists (selection items) are now setup.

You can amend the name of the list and enable if it should appear on Risk Assessment screens as you wish.

Example: If you have CustomListField5 enabled within the Field Configuration area, you can add in the list items under CustomListField5 within Custom Lists.

Figure 1.2
  • STEP 4: Click on the + expand icon of the respective custom list and click the Add New button to add values to the custom list.

2. Legislation & Business Process

These settings pages lets you define legislations and business processes respectively, which can be linked to risks within risk assessments and used for filtering and reporting purposes.

Within risk assessments, users will have the ability to select a Legislation and/or Business Process that the risk applies to via a dropdown list which can appear on the initial, current/revised or future risk assessment tabs depending on your organisational preference. However, the field must be enabled within the ‘Field Configuration’ section – these menu items allow you to define the list items in the dropdowns.

  • STEP 1: Click Legislation or Business Process tab as appropriate.

  • STEP 1: To define a new Business Process or Legislation record, click the Plus Button and then select Add New.

  • STEP 2: Type in a name and description in the text boxes provided.

  • STEP 3: Specify the position it should appear in the relevant dropdown list in the Risk Assessment area.

  • STEP 4: Click the Add button.

Note: The fields must be configured within the Field Configuration area. See article Risk Settings – Field Configuration for details.

  • STEP 5: To edit an existing item, click on the Edit button. Once edited the record, click on the Save button.

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