Incident Settings – Object Configuration
This article contains: |
1. Overview |
This settings page will let administrators configure fields within various standard and custom objects used in a workflow. Custom fields can be created for standard objects if required. Additionally, define objects require a sign-off or approval, its visibility, display in My Quick Updates, and more. Furthermore, within an object you can define a field’s label, visibility, sequence, and mandatory state.
To access this page, go to: Menu > Incident Settings > Object Configurations.
A standard set of objects will already be setup and listed for your incident creation page. Standard objects will be denoted by the value 'true' under the column 'Standard Object'. Each of these standard objects will have pre-defined fields enabled for that object.
Note: You may create as many custom objects as you wish, if required, by clicking on the New button at the top right corner of the window.
Note: The filters within the Incident Settings pages accessed via Mega Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Object Configurations will be simplified to only have the ‘Contains’ search filter. This will allow you to easily filter the required details.
2. Standard Objects |
The following standard objects exists within the system:
Incident Object – This object will enable configuring the field available within Incident details page which the user will see when they enter a new incident record. This will contain the preliminary information about the incident.
Investigation Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within Investigation page where the investigators will record information on incident investigation.
Action Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available in the action page. Action page is where the user will enter information about action that is linked to an incident.
Task Object – This object will enable configuring the the fields that are shown for the tasks that will be assigned to the incident.
Note: If you wish to enable the task object as a separate object in the workflow, you should tick on the Visible configuration to make the object visible in the workflow. If you wish to enable the task object as a field on another object in the workflow, you should un-tick the ‘Visible’ configuration from Object configurations > TaskObject.
Linkages Object – This object will enable configuring the linkages page. This page will allow users to link an incident to a risk, project or a hazard. You will not be able to configure any fields within this page.
An easy linking mechanism between incidents and the organisation hierarchy is enabled for incidents, which helps the linkage in addition to via the ‘Linkage’ objects such as ‘Hierarchy Links’ which can be placed within the ‘objects’ along with any field on the incident workflow.
Once these configurations are completed, users will see a button against the configured field, clicking on which they will be able to make linkages between incidents and these hierarchy nodes.
Upon clicking on this button, a pop up would facilitate users to select the nodes from the hierarchy level it represents and create linkages. All linkages created and made will be shown on the object underneath the button for easy viewing purposes.
Document Object – This object will enable configuring the documents page. This page will allow users to upload any documents or add any URL to the incident. You will not be able to configure any fields within this page.
Review Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within review page, Review page is where the user will enter data on reviews of the incident.
Risk Analysis Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within Risk Analysis page.
Root Cause Analysis Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within Root Cause Analysis Object page.
Resolution Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within resolution page.
Close Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within close page.
2.1 Object Configuration Details
You may view details of an already created standard object (including its associated field objects), edit details if required, delete an object, or even create a custom object in this window.
To view or make changes to an object:
STEP 1: Click on the object you wish to view/edit/delete.
STEP 2: Make changes, if required.
STEP 3: From the buttons placed at the top right corner of the window, click on the Save button to save changes, Delete button to delete the object, and Cancel button to go back to the main object window.
The below table lists details of fields in main object configurations:
Field | Description |
Object Name | Object name defined in the system. |
Description | Name displayed for the object on the window. Changing the description will change the display text of the corresponding page. |
Standard Object | Checkbox to denote if it's a standard object, and will be un-tickable if it's a standard object. |
Enable Sign Off | Each object can be given a sign off by setting up users to sign the phase off. These users will then have the permission assigned to them, and will be assigned under their Quick Update to sign off the object, Administrators can choose between Concurrent or Sequential signoff processes:
By default, when ‘Enable Signoff’ is ticked, the system will automatically select the Concurrent option with At least one approval needed, but administrators can adjust these settings as needed. Additionally, the Signoff Authority Field can be disabled through a new setting, ‘Disable Signoff Authority Field’, which prevents users from adding or editing values in the field. |
Visible | Ticked if the workflow is made visible to users. If you no longer wish to use this object, this tick box can be unchecked to make it invisible. |
Enable Submit Button | Tick this option to enable a submit button when within the respective object tab. |
Enable Re-Submit Button | Tick this option to enable a Re-submit button when within the respective object tab. |
Restrict Close Status Editability Until Action Completion | Tick this option to disable editing the Close object till all incident actions are completed.
Restrict Incident Closure Until All Required Fields Are Entered | Tick this option to restrict closing the incident till all required fields are entered in the close object tab. |
Enable Investigation Submission | Once the Enable Submit Button option is ticked, this option will be enabled and can be ticked to enable submitting investigation details.
With this button enabled, an investigation will be able to be completed then and there. |
Show In My Quick Update | Will display sections of this object to display in the My Quick Update section for all users. |
Show Notification Log | When emails are send related to the incident, you can enable this notification log to view all email notifications sent related to the object. |
Enable Approval | If you require an approval in the workflow for an object, then enable this tick box for only ONE object. This will then configure this feature for all objects in that workflow. This feature is available in the Incident Object and Action Object. However, for an Action Object, the enable approval configuration can be set separately, in addition to other workflows. In a future release, Camms will look into making this process more user-friendly. |
Workflow Element Type | Dropdown to denote which element the object belongs to. This includes all standard objects within the solution, with the ability to customise action, investigation, close, and resolution objects per workflow. |
2.2 Standard Object Fields
The following standard fields are available for each standard object.