Incident Workflow – Phase Signoff

Incident Workflow – Phase Signoff

If signoff has been included in to a phase by your system administrator, you will be able to send the corresponding phase for signoff.

To send a phase for signoff:

  • STEP 1: Select following information.




Default Value




Default Value

Signoff Authority

Multiselect Dropdown

Staff dropdown. Selecting a user will make the selected user a signoff authority for the selected phase.

Selecting multiple staff is possible. Selecting multiple users will require all selected users to approve the phase in order for the phase to be signed off.

The signoff will be directed to users according to the order that the users are selected in the list.

Eg: if users selected in the list is John Smith, Ann Brown;

1st signoff notification will go to John Smith. Once he Approves the phase the notification will go to Ann Brown to signoff the phase. If John Smith rejects the phase, the incident will go back to the previous state and assign to the person who initiated signoff.

Please Select


Multiline Text

Textbox that will allow users to add a comment. The comment will be retained for later reference.


  • STEP 2: Click Submit button.

When signoff is initiated an e-mail notification will be sent to the 1st user in the signoff authority list and he/she will be able to view/ access the incident via My Approvals within My quick update. Note that e-mail notifications will only be sent when it is configured by your system administrator.

The details within the page will be locked and only the signoff authority will be able to edit the phase. Once signed off the phase will be locked for editing. Only the system administrator will be able to revert signoff.

If you are the Signoff authority, to signoff a phase;

  • STEP 1: Go to My Quick Update > My Approvals and click on the incident you want to signoff or you can select the incident from the incident register. 

  • STEP 2: Go to the phase and edit any information within the corresponding phase. You can view other phases in a read only mode.

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 3: Enter a comment if required within the signoff section and click Approve or Reject.
    A grid will be available at the bottom of the signoff section to display the users, comments and signoff statuses.

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