Reports – Quarterly City Plan

Reports – Quarterly City Plan

The Quarterly City Plan will display action progress and budget summaries for all actions within the quarter selected. The actions are grouped by Outcome and Strategy. If you have monthly targets then the quarter filter will change to a monthly filter.

  • STEP 1: To access this report, go to Reports > Corporate Business Planning > Progress Reporting and select the 'Quarterly City Plan'.

  • STEP 2: Select the relevant criteria and click the Preview button.

The filters available to sort the details are:



Default Selection



Default Selection

Quarter Reporting Year (or Month)

Select the reporting year and Quarter (or month) which will determine what actions to be pulled across.

Note: Only the actions that are within the reporting year and quarter (has a start and/or end date within the reporting year) will be displayed.

Current financial year and first quarter

Sample Output:

Figure 1.1

UG Footer 2024-20240103-072111.png




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