Issue Register

Issue Register

The issue register maintains the record of all project issues, their associated actions and project decisions. It helps you to capture, track and maintain information on all issues, related actions and decisions. By using the issue log effectively, you can minimise the issue impact on your project.

See how to configure this object under Project Workflows under this admin guide: Configuring Issue Register.

Figure 1.1

Issues, Actions and Decisions are recorded in a similar way.

  • STEP 1: In order to add a new Issue, Action or a Decision, fill the relevant details and click on the Add button.

1.1 Add a New Issue

Figure 1.1.1

1.2 Add a New Action

1.3 Add a New Decision

  • STEP 2: Enter a title for the record and select the date logged.

You can also record the 'Date Resolved'. Entering a resolved date will automatically set the status to 'Resolved'.

  • STEP 3: Select the relevant person who is responsible from the 'Responsibility' dropdown. This dropdown will display the staff members in the 'Project Board & Team'.

  • STEP 4: Select the appropriate status to indicate the progress. By default, status will be set to ‘Not Started’.

  • STEP 5: The 'Comments' textbox can be used to add comments and record details about the solution.

  • STEP 6: When an issue action is added to the register, you can create a task in the GANTT to manage the action. Click on the Create Task to create a task in the GANTT.

Issue actions are managed via the GANTT as follows:

  • When the first issue action is added to the GANTT, it will be linked to a summary task titled ‘issue’. All the other issue actions also will be managed under this summary task.

Note: The title of the auto-created summary task is defined by your administrator. The default title of the summary task is ‘Issue Actions’.

  • Initial details will be taken from the issue action to the GANTT (title, responsible person, start date, end date, status and comment).

Note: If start date (logged date) is not entered, then the project start date will be selected. End date will be based on the existing GANTT chart end date calculation. If the responsible person is not stated, then the project owner will be taken as default. Status will be set to not started.

  • When an issue action is managed via the GANTT, then the synchronisation of data will flow from GANTT to the issue action. Action within the issue register will be non-editable.

  • When the status of such action is changed to completed, then in the issue register, the action status will be changed to ‘resolved’ and the ‘resolved date’ will be auto populated.

  • When the issue action within the GANTT is deleted, then that action will be enabled within the issue register with the latest data.

 You can hide completed issues, issue actions and decisions via the toggle available in the top toolbar. Completed issues, issue actions and decisions are hidden by default.

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