Incident Settings – Review Frequency Settings

Incident Settings – Review Frequency Settings

This settings page lets you define the different review frequency options for records, which will be displayed in the Review tab. Set an image, colour (to be visible in registers), position of the field in the review tab, frequency type and type count (how many times it will be reviewed for the selected type), and how the next review date should be determined (a specific day or end of that period).

Figure 1.1
  • STEP 1: Navigate to Framework > Incident Settings > Review Frequency.

  • STEP 2:  Click on the New button to add a new frequency type or click on an existing value to edit it.





Review Frequency Name

Define a title for the review frequency name.


Enter a description.


Upload an image for the review frequency value.


Choose a colour from the colour picker to represent the frequency value.


Define a position the specific value is going to be placed in the review frequency dropdown in the Review tab.


Define the type of the review frequency. Options are:

  • Year – Will relate the review frequency value as a yearly count 

  • Month – Will relate the review frequency value as a monthly count

  • Day – Will relate the review frequency value as a daily count


The Count of the above selected type the value should be accounted for. 

E.g. If Yearly was selected as the type and 2 was selected for the count, the frequency of the value would be counted as bi-annually by the system.

Set next review date for the period

Define how the next review date for the period set from above is to be set. Options are:

Select the Day for the period – If this is selected, a specific day from the below option should be selected. E.g. If the type was set as Monthly, a day from the month (say 15) can be selected to define the monthly review date will be set to the 15th of each month. 

End of the period – If this is selected, the review date will be set to the end of the period. If the type was set as Monthly, the end of the month will be set as the next review date at each review cycle.


Set the day as per the above configuration.

Figure 1.2

Note: The filters within the Incident Settings pages accessed via Mega Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Review Frequency will be simplified to only have the ‘Contains’ search filter. This will allow you to easily filter the required details.

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