Incident Settings – Object Configuration

1. Overview

This settings page will let administrators configure fields within various standard and custom objects used in a workflow. Custom fields can be created for standard objects if required. Additionally, define objects require a sign-off or approval, its visibility, display in My Quick Updates, and more. Furthermore, within an object you can define a field’s label, visibility, sequence, and mandatory state.

To access this page, go to: Menu > Incident Settings > Object Configurations.

Figure 1.1

A standard set of objects will already be setup and listed for your incident creation page. Standard objects will be denoted by the value 'true' under the column 'Standard Object'. Each of these standard objects will have pre-defined fields enabled for that object. 

Note: You may create as many custom objects as you wish, if required, by clicking on the New button at the top right corner of the window.

Note: The filters within the Incident Settings pages accessed via Mega Menu > Framework > Incident Settings > Object Configurations will be simplified to only have the ‘Contains’ search filter. This will allow you to easily filter the required details.

2. Standard Objects

The following standard objects exists within the system:

  • Incident Object – This object will enable configuring the field available within Incident details page which the user will see when they enter a new incident record. This will contain the preliminary information about the incident.

  • Investigation Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within Investigation page where the investigators will record information on incident investigation.

  • Action Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available in the action page. Action page is where the user will enter information about action that is linked to an incident.

  • Task Object – This object will enable configuring the the fields that are shown for the tasks that will be assigned to the incident.

Note: If you wish to enable the task object as a separate object in the workflow, you should tick on the Visible configuration to make the object visible in the workflow. If you wish to enable the task object as a field on another object in the workflow, you should un-tick the ‘Visible’ configuration from Object configurations > TaskObject.

  • Linkages Object – This object will enable configuring the linkages page. This page will allow users to link an incident to a risk, project or a hazard. You will not be able to configure any fields within this page.
    An easy linking mechanism between incidents and the organisation hierarchy is enabled for incidents, which helps the linkage in addition to via the ‘Linkage’ objects such as ‘Hierarchy Links’ which can be placed within the ‘objects’ along with any field on the incident workflow.

Figure 2.1

Once these configurations are completed, users will see a button against the configured field, clicking on which they will be able to make linkages between incidents and these hierarchy nodes.

Upon clicking on this button, a pop up would facilitate users to select the nodes from the hierarchy level it represents and create linkages. All linkages created and made will be shown on the object underneath the button for easy viewing purposes.

  • Document Object – This object will enable configuring the documents page. This page will allow users to upload any documents or add any URL to the incident. You will not be able to configure any fields within this page.

  • Review Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within review page, Review page is where the user will enter data on reviews of the incident.

  • Risk Analysis Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within Risk Analysis page.

  • Root Cause Analysis Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within Root Cause Analysis Object page.

  • Resolution Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within resolution page.

  • Close Object – This object will enable configuring the fields available within close page.

2.1 Object Configuration Details

You may view details of an already created standard object (including its associated field objects), edit details if required, delete an object, or even create a custom object in this window.

To view or make changes to an object:

  • STEP 1: Click on the object you wish to view/edit/delete.

  • STEP 2: Make changes, if required.

  • STEP 3: From the buttons placed at the top right corner of the window, click on the Save button to save changes, Delete button to delete the object, and Cancel button to go back to the main object window.

The below table lists details of fields in main object configurations:





Object Name

Object name defined in the system.


Name displayed for the object on the window. Changing the description will change the display text of the corresponding page.

Standard Object

Checkbox to denote if it's a standard object, and will be un-tickable if it's a standard object. 

Enable Sign Off

Each object can be given a sign off by setting up users to sign the phase off. These users will then have the permission assigned to them, and will be assigned under their Quick Update to sign off the object, Administrators can choose between Concurrent or Sequential signoff processes:

  • Concurrent signoff, there are two further options:

    • At least one approval needed: If one user approves, the whole object is considered approved.

    • All approvals needed: All users must approve for the object to be considered signed off.

  • Sequential signoff, approvals must occur in a defined order, with each approver acting only after the previous one has completed their approval.

By default, when ‘Enable Signoff’ is ticked, the system will automatically select the Concurrent option with At least one approval needed, but administrators can adjust these settings as needed.

Additionally, the Signoff Authority Field can be disabled through a new setting, ‘Disable Signoff Authority Field’, which prevents users from adding or editing values in the field.


Ticked if the workflow is made visible to users. If you no longer wish to use this object, this tick box can be unchecked to make it invisible.

Enable Submit Button

Tick this option to enable a submit button when within the respective object tab.

Enable Re-Submit Button

Tick this option to enable a Re-submit button when within the respective object tab.

Restrict Close Status Editability Until Action Completion

Tick this option to disable editing the Close object till all incident actions are completed.

  • The ‘Close’ object will be disabled for editing until incident actions have been completed for all users and user roles (standard and custom) except the incident administrator/system administrator.

  • The system administrator can select and modify user groups that are able to edit and view the ‘Close’ object upon completing all corrective actions. This will be available on two levels: for all individual and incidents levels.

  • For ‘Close’ object to be opened for editing (to selected user groups), all of the individual incident actions for the incident, needs to have the ‘Action Status’ set as ‘Completed’ OR ‘Deferred’.

  • The users will be notified that they are unable to edit the ‘Close’ object without completing relevant actions when they access the object.

    The setting to opt disabling editability of the ‘Close Object’ until action completion, will be available via the ‘Object' configurations area, accessed from Incident Settings > Object Configurations > Close.

  • The tick box in the ‘Close’ object can be opted to disable the ‘Close’ object editability until all actions are completed. When the new tick box is ticked, the ‘Close’ object will not be editable until all incident actions are completed.

Restrict Incident Closure Until All Required Fields Are Entered

Tick this option to restrict closing the incident till all required fields are entered in the close object tab.

Enable Investigation Submission

Once the Enable Submit Button option is ticked, this option will be enabled and can be ticked to enable submitting investigation details.

  • Once this option is ticked there are two mandatory Field Objects that needs to be created: Incident Investigation CompletedDate DateTimePicker, Investigation Status Name Type Dropdown.

  • When the Submit button is clicked, the custom field object 'Investigation Status Name Type Dropdown' and standard 'Investigation Status' field object will be auto-populated with the value 'Completed'. And the field 'Incident Investigation CompletedDate DateTimePicker' will be populated with the date the Submit button was clicked.

With this button enabled, an investigation will be able to be completed then and there.

Show In My Quick Update

Will display sections of this object to display in the My Quick Update section for all users.

Show Notification Log

When emails are send related to the incident, you can enable this notification log to view all email notifications sent related to the object.

Enable Approval

If you require an approval in the workflow for an object, then enable this tick box for only ONE object. This will then configure this feature for all objects in that workflow. This feature is available in the Incident Object and Action Object.
See article Incident Approval Process for more details on the approval process.

However, for an Action Object, the enable approval configuration can be set separately, in addition to other workflows. In a future release, Camms will look into making this process more user-friendly. 

Workflow Element Type

Dropdown to denote which element the object belongs to. This includes all standard objects within the solution, with the ability to customise action, investigation, close, and resolution objects per workflow.

2.2 Standard Object Fields

The following standard fields are available for each standard object.

Field reference


Field reference


Incident Details Object

Incident Code

Code of the incident. The code can be configured by Incident code setup within incident settings.

Incident Title

Title of the incident.

Incident Type

The type of the incident. The dropdown will list all types of incidents entered through Incident type within incident settings. The selection will determine the workflow of the incident.

Incident Reported Date

Date that the incident is reported.

Incident Category

The category of the incident. Categories can be configured through incident category within incident settings.


Location that the incident occurred. Locations can be configured through locations within incident settings.


Add a description to the incident.

Affected Parties

Enter information on anyone affected by the incident.

Responsible Officer

Responsible officer of the incident. This field will determine the user who will have access to the incident through My Quick update> My incidents.


Priority of the incident. Priorities are defined within Priority section in incident settings.


Severity of the incident. Severities are defined within Severity section in incident settings.

Investigation required

Checkbox to decide whether to further investigate the incident or no investigation is required.

Investigation Object

Primary Investigator

Staff member who will be acting as the primary investigator of the investigation for the incident. This field will determine the user who will have access to the investigation through My Quick update> My investigations.

Secondary Investigators

Any additional staff members who will be acting as investigators of the investigation for the incident. This field will determine the user who will have access to the investigation through My Quick update> My investigations.

Investigation Due Date

Date that investigation is set to be complete. Email notifications can be sent based on the due date.

Investigation Status

Status of the investigation. The dropdown list can be configured through List items within incident settings.

Action Object

Action Name

Action title.


Description of the action.

Responsible Officer

Staff member who is responsible for the action. This field will determine the user who will have access to the action through My Quick update> My Actions.

Start Date

Start date of the action.

End Date

End date of the action.

Percent Complete

Completion % of the action.

Setting a status of 'Not Started' will set the % complete to 0.

Setting a status of 'In progress' will allow the user to enter % complete between 1-99.

Setting a status of 'Completed' will set the % complete to 100.


Enter progress comments for the action.

Actual Completion Date

Enter the actual completion date of the action. This may differ from the end date.


Status dropdown. Options available; Not started, in progress, completed, deferred, ongoing.

Task Object

Task Name

The name of the task.

Task Status

The status of the task (standard statuses Not Started, In Progress, Deferred, Completed and On Going will be available here.

Task Start Date

The start date for the task.

Task End Date

The end date for the task.

Task Timeframe

A timer which can be set to run down from the moment of incident creation counting down to task completion. Emails can be configured based on the timer.

Task Description

A description for the task.

Task Comment

Comment field to add progress comments on the task performance.

Is Mandatory

Whether or not the task is mandatory.

Resolution Object

Resolution status

The incident resolution status.

Resolved by

Staff member who resolves the incident.


Notes on the resolution.

Close Object

Evaluated by

Staff member who evaluates and close the incident.

Closure notes

Notes added when closing incident.

Date closed

Date set for the incident to be resolved and closed.


Status of the incident.

Document Object

Denotes if a Document  button is displayed, to attach any documents, enable a sign off if required, show in my quick update if required, and enable approval. You will not be able to configure any fields within this object.

Linkage Object

Denotes if a Linkage button is displayed, to attach any documents. If enabled, you can define if the hierarchy linkage or any type of linkages can be added. You will not be able to configure any fields within this object.

Review Object

Review Frequency

Select the review frequency type.

Last Reviewed By

Last reviewed by staff member.

Last Reviewed Date

Last reviewed by date.

Next Review Date

Next review date.

Review Comment

Enter any review comments here.

Risk Analysis Object

Risk Analysis Popup

Risk analysis popup.

Risk Analysis Status

Select a status from the dropdown, of the risk.

Risk Analysis Likelihood

Select a likelihood from the dropdown, of the risk.

Risk Analysis Severity

Select a severity from the dropdown, of the risk.

Root Cause Analysis Object

Root Cause Analysis Other Comments

Other comments can be mentioned here.

Root Cause Analysis Equipment Or Materials

Was the incident caused by a problem involving procedures? If so, the factors and root causes can be mentioned here.

Root Cause Analysis Procedures

Was the incident caused by a problem involving procedures? If so, the factors and root causes can be mentioned here.

Root Cause Analysis Communication

Was the incident caused by a problem involving communication? If so, the factors and root causes can be mentioned here.

Root Cause Analysis Personnel Action Or Failure

Was the incident caused by a problem involving personnel actions or failure? If so, the factors and root causes can be mentioned here.

Root Cause Analysis Management Systems

Was the incident caused by a problem involving management systems? If so, the factors and root causes can be mentioned here.

Root Cause Analysis Training

Was the incident caused by a problem involving training? If so, the factors and root causes can be mentioned here.

Root Cause Analysis Ergonomics Work Environment

Was the incident caused by a problem involving ergonomics or the work environment? If so, the factors, root causes can be mentioned here.

2.3 Field Configuration Details

Under each object, you may view details of already created standard field objects, edit details if required, delete a field object, or even create a custom field object in this window. These fields will be listed at the bottom of the page  and will allow the administrator to configure fields within the object.

To view or make changes to a field object:

  • STEP 1: Click on the field object you wish to view/edit.

  • STEP 2: Make changes, if required.

  • STEP 3: Click on the Save button placed at the top right corner of the opened window, to save changes.

  • STEP 4: Click on the Save button at the top of the object window to save the object.

To delete a field object, click on the Delete button placed at the right corner of each field.

The following options will be available within the Filed Configuration Details popup window which will be available in a popup window. Once the user clicks on the field name the popup window will appear. 





Details Tab

Field Name

Field name defined in the system. Ensure there are no spaces in the field name defined.

Field Type

The type of field used. (A comprehensive list of field types are available to be selected from: e.g. Text box, dropdown, multiline text box, custom tables, hierarchy links, staff dropdown, date time picker).

Select the field type you want to add from a list of types. Following field types are available.

  • API based dropdown – Provides the ability to populate list values based on the response of an API call, depending on specific conditions, with the options list being populated via an API. The field type can be assigned to a custom field within any object. See section Dropdown list based on API calls under the

    Incident Settings – Notification Templates & Notifications section for details on setting this up.

  • Integer Textbox – Text only field.

  • Date/Time picker – Date and time field with calander and time control.

  • Date Picker – Date field with a calendar control

  • Textbox – Text and numeric field. Single line.

  • Multiline Textbox – Text and numeric field. Multiline.

  • Numeric Textbox – Numeric only field.

  • Checkbox – Checkbox field.

  • Rich Text Editor – Rich formatting for text content

  • Staff Dropdown – Dropdown field listing all staff names. Single select.

  • Staff Multi Select – Dropdown field listing all staff names. Multi select.

  • Staff Dropdown with Add New – Allows the user to add a new staff through this field.

  • Staff Dropdown with Details – Dropdown field listing all staff names which allows users to view more information on the selected user.

  • Business Unit Dropdown – Dropdown field listing all business units. Single select. This field type, when used within incident details page will determine the primary business unit of the incident belongs to.

  • Business Unit Multi-select – Dropdown field listing all business units. multi select.

  • Business Unit Grouping dropdown – Dropdown field listing all business unit groupings/ directorates. Single select. This field type, when used within incident details page will determine the primary directorate the incident belongs to.

  • Business Unit Grouping Multi-select – Dropdown field listing all business units’ groupings/ directorates. multi select.

  • Service Profile Dropdown – Dropdown field listing all Service profiles. Single select. This field type, when used within incident details page will determine the primary service profile the incident belongs to.

  • Service Profile Multiselect – Dropdown field listing all Service profiles groupings/ directorates. multi select.

  • Custom Multiselect – Custom multi select dropdowns. Ensure that this type is used with a field reference to a multi select list item configured through list item area.

  • Custom Single select – Custom dropdowns. Ensure that this type is used with a field reference to a single select list item configured through list item area.

  • Custom Radio Button – Radio buttons for all the options. Ensure that this type is used with a field reference to a multi select list item configured through list item area.

  • Custom table – Ensure that this type is used with a field reference to a custom table configured through the custom tables area.

  • Incident Action Type – Only to be used with action status dropdown.

  • Organisation Hierarchy link – Enable the Organisational hierarchy linkage popup.

  • Task – Task object could be used as a field in another object.

  • Causes and Consequences – Enable the cause and consequence popup. 

  • Custom Link.

  • Group Header – Section Headers to be added to detail pages.

  • Section – Section description to be added to detail pages.

  • Incident Category Dropdown – Single select dropdown listing all categories defined in Incident Settings > Category.

  • Incident Code and Title – Code and Title will appear as refence labels in configured objects.

  • Incident Investigation Completed Date Date Time Picker.

  • Incident Likelihood Type Dropdown – Single select dropdown likelihood types defined in Incident Settings > Likelihood.

  • Incident Priority Type Dropdown – Single select dropdown listing priority types defined in Incident Settings > Priority.

  • Incident Severity Type Dropdown – Single select dropdown listing severity types defined in Incident Settings > Severity.

  • Investigation Status Name Type Dropdown – Single select dropdown listing investigation statuses 

    Parent Child Cascade List.

  • Responsible Officer Dropdown – Single select dropdown listing the staff.

  • Review Frequency Type Dropdown – Single select dropdown listing Review Frequency defined in Incident Settings > Review Frequency.

  • Risk Rating Type Dropdown – Single select dropdown listing Risk Ratings defined in Incident Settings > Risk Rating.

Display Name

Display name of the field on the window. You will be given an option to select from a list of already used labels in the system if required, in order to maintain consistency (this list will be generated under the window: Menu > Incident Settings > Display Text).

Default Selection

Select between not having any staff names defaulted in staff dropdowns or having staff names defaulted in it. If None is selected no staff name will be selected in staff dropdowns.

Defaulting Value to Logged In User

For the convenience of users, it is possible to default staff dropdown fields to the logged in user, within any standard or custom object.

  • STEP 1: The following staff related field types will be will be available to be defaulted to the logged in user:

    • Staff Dropdown

    • Staff Dropdown With Details

    • Staff Multi Select

    • Responsible Officer Dropdown

  • STEP 2: When one of the above field types are selected, a dropdown 'Default Selection' will be enabled. Select Logged in User in this dropdown.

  • STEP 3: To be able to edit the defaulted logged in user value, tick the Is Enabled checkbox. If you wish to have the defaulted logged in user value as read-only, untick the Is Enabled checkbox.


Standard System Field

If the field is a standard field of not. Custom fields can be created by clicking on the New button at the top right corner of the field configuration table. System administrators will not be able to remove the standard fields in the system.


Denotes if the field is visible or hidden.

Field Position

Order in which the field will be displayed.


Denotes if the field type value filled in can be changed (is editable ticked) or cannot be changed (is enabled not ticked).

Is Decision Point

Define whether the field is a decision point to determine the rest of the workflow based on selections made from the field.

Required in Save

Denotes if it's required to save the page prior to moving to the next section.

Required in Submit

Denotes if the page will stop from that point and exit, once the Submit button is clicked.

Is Conditional Field

Enables the conditional display of fields within the 'Field Value Configuration' area based on the selected Conditional Mode settings, which include options such as 'Show Field' and 'Hide Field'.

Auto Synchronise with fields

Synchronise between different fields using this dropdown. You can select which fields in the workflow you wish to synchronise by expanding the fields and select the instant types or field to sync from the dropdown. This will update all the selected fields when values are entered.

  • A configuration ‘Auto Synchronise with fields’ will be available in the field configuration area accessed via object configurations for applicable field types where multiple fields to synchronise with a parent field can be selected. 

  • The configuration field will display a tree structure of the workflow, showing all objects and fields available for the workflow and the administrator user can pick the fields to sync with. Multiple selections can be selected too.

  • After a field is picked, the field will be shown as below, where the field name, the object name and the workflow name will be shown in that order against the selected field.

  • In the example below, the user has selected the ‘Review comment’ field from the ‘Incident’ object of the ‘Near Miss’ workflow to synchronise with the ‘Location Description’.

  • Once the fields are selected and saved, the data mapping will initiate between the fields configured from here.

Populate the staff list with

An administrator can set up the staff lists in staff dropdown fields to be limited based on the hierarchy linkages. You can already limit the population of staff records in staff dropdowns by choosing from the options below, which will help end-users further narrow down the list they search through when recording incidents and assigning to staff.
This dropdown will appear when Staff Dropdown, Staff Multi Select, Staff Dropdown with Details, and Responsible Officer is selected as the field type. The available options will be:

  • All internal staff

  • Internal staff linked to the incidents’ linked organisation hierarchy nodes –  By selecting this option, the staff list will be populated with any staff linked from top to bottom across the hierarchy with which the incident is linked to.
    Example: If the Incident is linked to the ‘Services’ department, with the above configuration, the staff list will show all staff who are linked from CAMMS to Operations; as the Services department is covered through that vertices of the hierarchy.

  • Restrict to internal staff within parent node of the Incident Creator's link.

  • Portal Staff – This option will populate all the portal staff users.

  • User Roles – If this option is selected, a new multi select field will be displayed below named 'User Roles' to select all the user roles to populate the staff list with.

Visible in Mobile

Select to denote if the field will be available in the mobile application.

Required for Integration

Denotes if a linkage is created for integration, that requires referring fields in the application for data uploads.

Enable Attaching Documents

Denotes if a Document button is displayed, to attach any documents in objects.

Permissions of the Embedded Document Object

The Document object accessed via the Documents button, will inherit the permission of the parent object (i.e. the object in which the Document object is configured in), as well as the Document object. If you do not have permission to the Document object, the Documents button will work within the parent object by inheriting the permission of the parent object.
If you have permission to both objects, the union of both permissions are considered and the higher permission will take effect.

  • Example 1: If the parent object (Incident Details), has add, edit, read-only permissions, and the Document object has only read-only permission, you will be able to add, edit documents via the parent object, based on the parent's object permission.

  • Example 2: If the parent object (Incident Details), has only read-only permission, and the Document object has add, edit, delete permissions, you will be able to add, edit, delete documents in the parent object, based on the document’s object permission.

Documents added via the Documents button can be viewed within the document object, configured to that field and within the documents object, based on the permission. However, it will not be visible if the document object is configured to any other fields in other objects.

  • Example 3: The Document object is configured for the field ‘Incident Title’ in the Incident object, as well as for the field ‘Investigation Status’ in the Investigation object. Documents uploaded against the ‘Incident Title’ field cannot be seen within the document object for the ‘Investigation Status’ field. But documents uploaded for both fields can be visible in the Documents object.

Enable 'Links' Button

Denotes if a Linkage  button is displayed, to attach any documents. If enabled, you can define if the hierarchy linkage or any type of linkages can be added.

Setting Permission for the Links Button when Linkage Object is Not Configured

To provide permission for the Links button when the Linkage Object is not configured in the Workflow, follow these steps:

  • STEP 1: Go to Menu > Incident Settings > Workflow Configuration and click on the Workflow name.

  • STEP 2: Under the 'Object' field, select Linkage object and click the Add object icon.

  • STEP 3: Go to Menu > Incident Settings > Object Configuration, click on the Linkage Object, and untick the Visible checkbox.

  • STEP 4: Go to Menu > Incident Settings > User Roles, click on the User Role having the required Workflow selected, and enable the permissions under the 'Linkage' object.

Enable 'Organisational Link' Button

Enable the option to create a linkage to the organisation hierarchy only, for the field.

Enable Action Creation

Denotes if an Action  button is displayed for the field.

Show in My Quick Update

Enable to denotes if this field will be displayed under the My Quick Update section, along with the standard fields.

Allow Comment

Enable to allow users to add comments to the field. When selected, a comment box will be available for users to provide additional information or feedback.

Condition for Comment

Enter a specific condition to define when the comment box will be displayed for this field. This condition determines the criteria that must be met for the comment section to be available.

Field Mapping Tab

List Item Properties

If parent-child lists are created for a custom single select or custom multi select dropdown field, a 'Field Mapping' tab will be displayed where you can map properties (child list) created for that field to it's parent list field, once it has been configured under Incident Settings > Lists (see article Incident Settings – List Settings under title 'Creating Parent-Child Lists to Auto-Populate Fields' for more information of configuring parent-child lists).
All list item properties (child list fields) created for a list (parent list field), will be listed in this column.

Mapped Fields in the Object

Select from the Object which fields to map to the created property here. Whichever fields selected here to be mapped, will be the values displayed in the custom single select or custom multi select dropdown.

3. Creating Custom Objects

You may create custom objects too, if required. To create a custom object:

  • STEP 1: Under Menu > Incident Settings > Object Configurations page, click on the New button placed at the top-right corner of the window.

  • STEP 2: Enter details for the custom object.

  • STEP 3: Click on the Save button placed at the top right corner of the window.

  • STEP 4: Click on the New button below the object window, to add fields to the object (as explained in the below section) and click Save again.

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Incident Settings